Midterm study strategies


by Abby Musser -News Editor

You may not have noticed but midterms are coming up. Before you start panicking however, there are different strategies that you can use.

1. Work ahead of time. It seems simple but as students have already figured out, homework can quickly pile up. When you are between classes, use this time to knock out some reading or a small assignment. Then you will not have to worry about them along with finding time to study. Kevin Wilder, a professor of psychology and bible and ministry, suggested something similar.

“Don’t just study the night before, study a little each day,” said Wilder, “and take little mini study breaks.”

2. Make flash cards. Use them to test yourself. Students can also, if they are more artistically inclined, create poems or songs to help them retain necessary information.

3. Find a quiet place. If loud noises are easily distracting, simply finding a quiet place to work can greatly increase productivity levels. For example the library is a popular place to study because it is so quiet.

4. One screen at a time.  If you are working on a paper, Wilder says, then turn off your phone and eliminate other screen distractions. You can take this step even further by turning off the wi-fi. Then reward yourself. Set a goal and reward yourself when it is met. For example, a student can tell themselves that as soon as they are done studying a chapter, they can play a quick game on their phone. The reward could be anything.

5. Find a group. Groups can compare notes on how they find solutions to problems. Groups can also help clarify a subject if a student was having trouble understanding a concept. However, Christina Hershey, a sophomore, warns, that while a study group may be fun, “it might not be as productive.”

6. Pick a time. Deb Roth, coordinator of advising and student success, suggests students choose a specific time of day to study and to stick with it. Based on what you know about yourself, choose a time when you feel the most awake and active.

7. Eat something. You cannot focus when you have an empty stomach. Your mind will wander away from the topic you are supposed to be learning and instead think about food. Hershey says when she studies she likes to have a snack in hand.

8. Sleep. The importance of sleep cannot be stressed enough. Numerous studies have investigated the link between sleep and learning. Check out a recent Horizon article on this subject. 


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