Campus Style Watch:  Bought it at Big Lots

by Eleya Raim – Horizon Features Editor

Andry Stutzman is making Hesston men’s fashion look effortless in a charcoal blazer, khaki dress pants, chocolate loafers, a baby blue tie and textured blue button up.  Whether dressing for a concert or heading to class, Stutzman knows how to look good with minimum effort.  A colorful array of socks and tasteful collection of dress shirts gives this student an A+ for being unique and well dressed.  Thanks for sharing with the Style Watch this week, Andry.

Andry Stutzman; photo by Eleya Raim
Andry Stutzman in his “clean, safety-conscious old guy” ensemble. Photo by Eleya Raim

Student:  Andry Stutzman

Where He Calls Home:  Harrisonburg, VA

Major:  Music Education

Why is this outfit one of your favorites?

“I tend to follow the ‘pick whatever is laying on top of the pile’ approach to fashion, but fortunately, due to the benefits of modern hipster culture, I can just claim that it’s my “style” and nobody seems to care what I’m wearing.”

What do you think that your style says about your personality?  

“I think my style says I like to have fun!”

Favorite Piece of Clothing or Accessory and Why?

“Well according to, blue stands for cleanliness and gray stands for safety and old age… so logically I must be a really clean, safety-conscious old guy.”

Fashion advice?

“Don’t spend too long thinking about what you’re going to wear, cause likely there are more important things to be thinking about.”

Where is one place that everyone should shop?

“Et Cetera/free store/dumpster.”

 Favorite fashion story?  “The day that I realized that all of men’s fashion basically just involves rotating through differently colored dress shirts.”


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