Larks on the Fly: Some thoughts on Christmas

By Jasmine Pankratz- Horizon Sports Editor & Keegan Cook- Horizon Sports Editor

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What’s your favorite Christmas or holiday food?
I really like green bean casserole.
What is that?
It’s, like, rice with a type of beans.
I like peas, teas, tomatoes, potatoes (laughter) I like mashed potatoes, and like, ham. I really like ham.
What’s the most annoying thing about Christmastime?
Well, my grandma plays music really loud. It’s kind of…
Like Christmas music?
There is no annoying thing about Christmas, I would say.
Really can’t find anything. I don’t know.
Probably when the snow gets slushy, or when there’s no snow and you can’t play outside.
People come to your doors and sing songs.
Oh, that’s awesome!
I can’t do it! I can’t sing, so… makes me feel
Does your family have any traditions they do for Christmas?
Ummm… On.. For our tradition we usually just go to my grandparents’ house.
Yeah, like, party at my house.
We open our presents a day before Christmas.
Real or fake tree?
If I had to choose… if it was my house, fake! (inaudible)
Real or fake tree?
The best present I ever got was an X-Box one.
Probably like… my Nintendo DS, or something?
I was 12-years-old, and I got a dog
Uh, low rider was a green, plays low rider bike, and I saw it before Christmas. Like, I went up to their room… they had it in the back room and I saw it. I tried to act surprised, but I was all (stammers) but that was the best present I ever had.
What’s the best present you’ve ever gotten for Christmas?
Uh, definitely my brother.
What do you want for Christmas?
To spend time with my family.
Santa’s sleigh
K.U. tickets… Tickets to a K.U. game.
What’s your favorite Christmas song?
Mariah Carey, All I Want for Christmas.
Santa Claus is Coming to Town.
[singing] All I want for Christmas is you!
Yeah, that one. (laughter)


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