By Jenna Ratzlaff – Horizon Photo Editor
At Hesston College there is a lot of behind the scenes work to help the campus function. That work helps with the recruitment of future students, and it’s done by student workers. Four students describe their favorite parts of their jobs, and what they take away from their jobs each day. (Photos by Jenna Ratzlaff)
Sophmore Louisa Angeline works as a cleaner in the admissions building. “As a cleaner, I help contribute to the Hesston community. [Admissions] is usually one of the first places on campus that visitors see. I want it to leave a good first impression on them.”
Junior Lilian Trifena sweeps the stairs in Erb Hall three days a week. She says she likes that the job helps her practice responsibility. “It’s an easy job and is flexible, but you also have to hold yourself accountable to doing the work.”
Freshman Ivonne Ledesma works as a telecounselor in admissions and describes connecting with prospective students as one of her favorite parts of her job. “You are able to test how well you communicate with people you don’t know, and you are able to make a connection with them. That is something you need in every field of work, and it helps you develop your skills in that area.”
Freshman Erica Baer works as a cleaner in the dining hall on Sunday evenings. Baer says the job has its perks. “I can work whenever I want. The hours are flexible and is not time consuming. I still have time to get homework done when I need to. Plus, I also get free drinks!”